Update: Class Prerequisites for Level 1 Classes

Dear Clients,

We will be amending the prerequisites for our Level 1 classes to a minimum of 3 Basic10 classes. This is up from the previous 2 classes required.

At Off Duty, we want you to have fun and enjoy the variety of group class types that we have, but it’s important to us that every client who starts their Reformer Pilates journey with us develops and establishes a strong foundation before moving on to higher level classes.

We encourage beginner level clients to take 3 or more Basic10 classes before progressing on. With a strong foundation, you’re only going to benefit so much more when you attend our Level 1 classes! :) Together with our Studio Directors, we will do our best to ensure that all Basic10 classes are kept interesting, while still delivering on the essentials and Off Duty’s 10 principles of Reformer Pilates.

If you’re ever unsure if you’re ready to move on to the next level, have a chat with your instructor after class and they’ll advise you accordingly. :)

Thank you!

Team Off Duty

Off Duty Pilates